contact us
If you have not found the answer in our FAQs or first, and have other questions about price quotes or products, please complete the form below. We will be in touch within 1-3 business days.
If you are waiting for your sample order to be processed, please check your email and voicemail. All businesses without an EIN and business email require manual business verification checks. Sample orders will be held until the account can be verified and authorized.
For quick questions during business hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9AM-5PM EST
Friday: 9AM-4PM EST
You may call our office at (+1)-812-329-1105.
Alternatively, you can schedule an appointment using the blue button floating in browser below.
how long it takes to hear back
find us here:
Genie Supply DBA Innacos Labs
1411 H Street Bedford IN 47421
@innacoslabs on instagram
@geniesupply on tiktok