Our products + Pricing catalog
Above is the most recent version of our product catalog, which features skincare and color cosmetics that meet at least clean at Sephora / Ulta standards and only get cleaner from there! Inside you can find:
All of our available private label skincare and cosmetic formulations
Descriptions of each product and its benefits
Shelf life of the product (12-24 months)
Ingredient listings for each product
To view full screen, go to this link. Bookmark it to return any time!
When you are ready to order samples, head to the “clean makeup” and “clean skincare” tabs above to view all of our products and order samples. You may even want to check out our fragrance samples, to get a head start on which essential oil or natural fruit/plant extract you’d like to use to scent your items. Add items to cart to checkout. When you’re ready for your full order, email customerservice@innacos.com with the:
Item Name
Quantity desired
Scent/Flavor, if applicable
Colors, if applicable
and a rep will follow up within 2 business days with your order invoice.
Other relevant details