How Long Does It Take to Manufacture Your Cosmetic?
Emma Rees Emma Rees

How Long Does It Take to Manufacture Your Cosmetic?

You’ve finished making all the decisions you need to make concerning your product, or so you’ve thought. There’s one last step in the cosmetic creation side and that’s manufacturing. Look inside for a thorough explanation of how long you need to wait before your cosmetic is finished manufacturing.

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The Ins & Outs of Makeup Manufacturers
Emma Rees Emma Rees

The Ins & Outs of Makeup Manufacturers

Interested in learning about Makeup Manufacturers? Look no more! This quick, but thorough guide aims to help you understand all you need to know about makeup manufacturers including the lingo, the search, the process, and much more.

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Breaking Down FDA Guidelines for Cosmetic Labeling
Emma Rees Emma Rees

Breaking Down FDA Guidelines for Cosmetic Labeling

When creating a business (and a cosmetic product), safety is involved. It has to, people will be using these cosmetics on their body. It’s often forgotten, but your cosmetic must adhere to all FDA guidelines. Sound easy? Reading the actual guidelines can get overwhelming. Also, it’s super long and not that fun. Lucky for you, Innacos will help you understand everything you need to know about FDA guidelines starting with all the 101s (Labeling, Font, and Math).

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How To Price Private Label Cosmetics
Guest User Guest User

How To Price Private Label Cosmetics

One thing we see a lot of people struggle with is how to price their private label cosmetics . . . But don’t panic. In this blog, I will give you all the information you need to develop a successful pricing plan that will work for you.

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pH Levels: Skincare’s Forgotten Trait
Emma Rees Emma Rees

pH Levels: Skincare’s Forgotten Trait

Smooth skin is difficult to achieve. You may feel like you’ve tried everything from tea tree oil patches to DIY steamers, so how do you crack the code to good skin? Let me introduce you to one factor you may not have heard of: pH level. Learn more about how understanding pH levels can leave you and your skin feeling free, fresh, and flawless.

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How To: Selling Cosmetics + Skincare Online
Guest User Guest User

How To: Selling Cosmetics + Skincare Online

You may have a clear idea about what types of cosmetic or skincare products you want to sell to customers, which is a great beginning. But how will you turn that vision into reality? One of the easier options is to sell your private label products online.

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Understanding Dielines for Screenprinting
Guest User Guest User

Understanding Dielines for Screenprinting

. . . dielines are guidelines. They are the blueprint for the labeling on your cosmetics packaging that will give your customers all the information they need in order to choose and use your product effectively.

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Create Color Customizations
Guest User Guest User

Create Color Customizations

Introduce yourself to the world of custom colorization and unleash your wildest color dreams. At Innacos, we pride ourselves in making your dreams a reality, no matter how wild they may seem.

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6 Steps to Private Label Manufacturing
Emma Rees Emma Rees

6 Steps to Private Label Manufacturing

Private Label Manufacturing means creating your brand with our formulas. It’s not copycatting at all or a thing to be ashamed of, so don’t worry! Discover the timeline of private label manufacturing and how long (or should I say fast) you can benefit from the process.

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Custom Formulate in 4 Steps or Less
Emma Rees Emma Rees

Custom Formulate in 4 Steps or Less

Say you have the perfect concept for a beauty product but you don’t know anything about science. With Innacos, we can help you take your great idea and translate it into an actual formula. In just 4 steps (or less), you can walk away with your own formula and get your brand started on the right foot.

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