Dermatologic Cosmetic Laboratories
You may have noticed the uptake in skincare lines “formulated and approved by dermatologists". Dermatologists specialize in the health of skin after-all, so it makes sense to purchase skincare formulas made by these skin experts.
CeraVe, for example, is an extremely popular skincare brand that is developed and approved by dermatologists. With one quick google search you will find hundreds of “Dermatologist Approved” skincare products on the market.
When starting a skincare brand, you may even feel like you are falling behind in the market if your product is not formulated by a dermatologist or at least approved by one. It is uncertain if this trend in skincare is here is to stay, however if you are looking to create a skincare line as a dermatologist, esthetician, or just an individual that is passionate about skincare, we can help!
In this blog we will discuss how to find cosmetic labs that create dermatologist approved skincare formulations, and where a dermatologist can turn when wanting to create a skincare product.
There are 2 main routes to choose from when looking to create a dermatologist approved or formulated skincare product, and the route you choose may depend on your experience and budget.
You are a dermatologist (congrats!)
You are not a dermatologist, but have a dermatologist to work with to formulate a product
You are not a dermatologist and don’t know where to start (we can help!)
Lets start with the first option:
You are a Dermatologist:
If you are a dermatologist looking to create a skincare product, you have come to the right place. Innacos Labs is a cosmetic lab that has worked with dermatologists in the past.
While you have the expertise in skin and caring for it, we have the expertise in formulating skincare (a match made in heaven, right?)
During the formulation process you will work with a cosmetic chemist. When working with a cosmetic chemist to formulate, the dermatologist’s knowledge of the skin and active skincare ingredients will be combined with the chemists knowledge to create a skincare product.
Through this partnership, you will be able to create a skincare product you are proud of and that is truthfully developed by a dermatologist. At the end of the formulation process you will have a skincare product that is was formulated and approved by a dermatologist (thats you), and you can officially sign-off on the product as approved.
Intro To: Custom Formulating
So why not just formulate it yourself?
To produce any skincare product en masse you must have a standardized formulation that includes exact ingredient percentages and proper mixing instructions and perform the proper testing. A cosmetic chemist, like the ones we have on staff at Innacos Labs, can help you to create this standardized formulation so it is ready for manufacture.
It is always a great idea, however, to come to your consultation prepared with the types of ingredients you would like to include in your product and at what percentages so the cosmetic chemist can make your dream product come to life.
Although a dermatologist approves the product, it is always a good idea to perform extra testing when making this claim, to ensure the product is safe and effective at performing the function claimed.
To learn more about the process of custom formulation and even schedule a consult with a cosmetic chemist, check out our Intro To: Custom Formulation Page
You are not a Dermatologist…
If you are not a dermatologist, that is OKAY! Working with dermatologic cosmetic labs, like Innacos Labs, can help you to create a dermatologist approved skincare product even if you are not a dermatologist. There are two main ways you may go about creating a skincare product that if dermatologist approved or formulated even if you are not one yourself.
Work with a Dermatologist during the Formulation Process:
To create a product that is formulated by a dermatologist, you can work with one throughout the formulation process. In most cases you are able to hire a dermatologist to work with and this will help you to create a product from start to finish with the a dermatologist. This person can either attend the virtual chemist consults throughout the formulation process, or simply provide feedback on the product’s ingredients and sample rounds.
Get your product approved by a dermatologist once the formulation and Testing is complete:
Hiring a dermatologist to assist in formulation can be a pricey endeavor. To save costs, you could also complete a formulation and the proper testing. Once you have completed the formulation and testing, you can bring the results to a dermatologist to have the professional sign off the product and it’s formulation.
You may be wondering what this extra testing we are referring to is and how much it will cost.
To learn more about getting your product dermatologist approved and the proper tests that should be performed, head over to this blog about getting your product dermatologist tested and approved:
Find a Dermatologic Cosmetic Laboratory:
Most cosmetic laboratories can help you create a dermatologic formulated or approved product through custom formulation. When searching for a lab to help you create your product, it can help to ask the important questions regarding your needs and their abilities.
Ensure your cosmetic lab has worked with dermatologists before. This will make the process much easier to navigate for you and them.
Talk to your lab about what testing is required to certify your product as dermatologist approved. If they don’t know, this may be a bad sign.
Be ready for a higher price tag. We expect dermatologist recommended and approved products to be higher-quality, and this usually comes with a price.
Formulate Dermatologist Approved Skincare with Innacos Labs:
At Innacos Labs, we have worked with numerous dermatologists to create dermatologist approved skincare products, and are always looking for our next exciting project.
To start head over to our custom formulation webpage to learn more about services and costs.
Contact us today with you idea or any questions you may have to get started.
In the meantime, learn more about us and our mission to create innovative and effective skincare products.
Extra questions? Email us or give us a call at 812-329-1105.