CBG: The new CBD? or even better?

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Innacos Labs AND CBD

Update Sept. 9, 2022:

Unfortunately Innacos Labs no longer offers private label formulas with CBD. All private label formulas linked to this blog can be offered in CBD for an additional customization price! Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding our CBD skin care services! For now, take a look through this blog, even if you don’t private label CBD with us, it can still be a great source of information for getting started.

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CBD beauty is one of the beauty industry’s biggest trends and an ingredient that you don’t want to miss out on. Starting in the mid-2000s (if you were early to the party, let’s be real), CBD skincare, CBD gummies, and CBD everything has grown into its popularity. With anti-inflammatory benefits, there’s a lot of reasons why people love to use CBD.

Now, you may have heard of CBD, but have you heard of CBG? There are around 150 cannabinoids in hemp and they’re divided into two categories: major and minor. CBD and THC are major cannabinoids while CBG is a minor cannabinoid. Hemp beauty is an amazing source for people to invest in (either with a business or for personal use) and it’s time to shine the light on some other cannabinoids, starting with CBG. 

Before we dive in, I want to give you a quick analogy, so that you can start to grasp the situation, and why CBG is ideal for skincare, even more so than CBD:

Imagine you’re having period cramps. CBD is like Tylenol (an overall fever/aches/pain reducer) whereas CBG is Midol. They both work in similar ways, but one is more targeted. CBD can be used for pain, anxiety, and inflammation all over.. but CBG is really best put to use in anti-aging skincare.

Starting to get it? Let’s keep learning:

What Is CBG?

Cannabigerol (CBG) is a minor cannabinoid compared to the major cannabinoids of CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). That means it's harder to extract CBG from the hemp plant and can be more expensive compared to major cannabinoids. CBG is also known as the parent cannabinoid.

There are around 150 cannabinoids identified and they all come from CBG. That’s why CBG ends up being a minor cannabinoid. CBD starts out as CBG and morphs into CBD as time goes on. Make sense? Since CBG is the parent cannabinoid, it’s usually more expensive and difficult to extract compared to CBD. However, in CBD products with full spectrum, there’s a chance that those products will have traces of CBG. Chances are, you’ve already been using CBG!

CBG Benefits

So how does CBG work for us? So our bodies already contain the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that keeps all our systems in check and balance. CBG works with two ECS receptors in the skin by entering the skin and going straight to the problem areas.

As mentioned before, CBD comes from CBG. The benefits for these two cannabinoids overlap (to a certain extent), but there are things that CBG can do that CBD can’t. CBG has a lot of benefits whether it’s used internally or externally. For internal use (such as CBG gummies or CBG oil), CBG has a lot of benefits.

There are studies linking CBG as a great starting treatment for certain illnesses. A 2008 study found CBG having effective therapeutic potential for the treatment of glaucoma. In 2015, a study using mice found that there was a positive result in using CBG to help treat Huntington’s disease.

The study stated that CBG worked in the experiment as a neuroprotectant and helped prevent further nerve cells damage in your brain. Last, but not least, a 2014 study found improvements in the prevention of growth for cancer. The researchers used rats with colon cancer as the patients to study and they found that CBG was starting block receptors that would increase cancer cell growth.

CBG + Skin

As for topical use, CBG still has plenty of benefits. For starters, CBG skincare will have anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant as evidenced in a 2018 study. CBG also has anti-bacterial properties suggested in a study from 2008 that will help save your skin from further breakouts.

The study stated that CBG helped heal MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) which is a bacterial infection that can’t be treated by regular antibiotics. The study also suggested that CBG could help ease psoriasis and eczema symptoms!

Something else that CBD can’t do? CBG can even help with moisture, which is something that everybody (and I mean, everybody) needs help with. It’s hard to find the right moisturizer and skincare routine. If CBG can lend a helping hand, why not take it? Lucky for us, a study from 2016 states that CBG can boost moisture in your skin!

Does CBG Have Any Side Effects?

So far, there are no notable side effects associated with CBG. Due to the low amount of research on CBD (and even more with CBG), it’s hard to find the downsides of cannabinoids, especially CBG.

Always make sure to proceed with caution!

Who should use CBG?

Anyone can use CBG! Whether you have dry, sensitive skin or constantly dealing with a shiny forehead, CBG is for you. Our tip is to use CBG with CBD as that is when it’s most effective. As for entrepreneurs, get started on CBG private label today! We have an assortment of CBG skincare products you can private label for your brand.

CBG Products

So what kind of CBG products should you start with? Here are some CBG private label products you can use. Our MOQ (minimum order quantity) stands at 500. For now, we will only have CBG skincare products available for private label:

This skincare product available for private label is also available for maximum skin hydration. It may feel like a thick medium, but it’s surprisingly light and sinks into the skin without weighing it down. CBG will add an anti-inflammatory benefit and you’ll find yourself falling in love with the light ginger mint scent as you apply this moisturizer. 

Don’t forget about retinol as you can private label that superpower ingredient with this skincare product. Retinol tends to be harsh and heavy (I mean, it does get you results), but our retinol is gentle while still packing a punch. Anti-aging and anti-inflammatory make for an awesome CBG skincare product you don’t want to miss out on!

Luxurious and sustainable, dive into this sweet skincare product for soft, bright skin. Increase collagen and hydration in this two-in-one product! You’ll want to private label this CBG product for its ability to tone skin and create a clean glow. Bonus: you can choose to add a light fragrance into this private label product. The choice is yours!

Let’s get magical with the ethereal benefits of and unicorn love (don’t worry, no unicorns were harmed in the making of this product!). Hyaluronic acid jumps into this serum. This skincare product will exfoliate, tone, hydrate, and soothe your skin. What’s not to love?

Under-eye bags are definitely a trend for the night owls who have early bird jobs. This skincare seeks to help people with this problem while keeping its cool. You’ll find hyaluronic acid working to bring a high dose of moisture while licorice root works to fight any signs of sleepiness. Add CBG into the mix, and you’ve got a soothing, firming, brightening CBG skincare product!

A good moisturizer is key to good skin. This skincare product that will leave a smooth, soft feel while giving you a smart look. Aloe vera, glycerin, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid provide the best moisture and the best protection for your skin barrier. You can use this gentle CBG skincare product day and night after cleansing!


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